Windows 10 not booting after update free. PC won't boot after lastest Windows 10 update

Windows 10 not booting after update free. PC won't boot after lastest Windows 10 update

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Windows 10 not booting after update free.Windows doesn't boot correctly after update 



Windows 10 not booting after update free

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How Do I Fix Windows 10 Not Booting after Update with 8 Solutions.


Every time my Windows 10 is upgraded to the latest version of Windows, after a restart, it is unable to boot up.

To fix this I would reformat the drive and re-install from a bootable pen drive. However, a few minutes after Windows has been re-installed it will work fine but whenever you shut down or restart it will never boot up again.

I get the screen as shown in the image below. I thought this was a hard drive issue so I got a new hard drive. But the issue remains. I do not know what else to do. What can I do to make this problem go away? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity.

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How long did you wait to see if it does not boot? I left it on for a long time - over 2 hours! What is the exact make and model? Unfortunately, I am not able to get past this screen to give these pieces of information. But it is a Lenovo Desktop - i5, 8G of Ram. Which version of Windows 10 is currently installed? See how to verify: Windows 10 - I was on but could not upgrade to or there about because of this same issue. I was able to downgrade the version to the previous one without this issue but not even the previous version cannot be started so I left it at Remove the CMOS CR chip Okay.

I will do just that when I get home from work in a bit and I will update you. Thank you so very much. It is not getting past the manufactural logo to Windows' logo, therefore, cannot boot into safe mode even though I did try. I could just be the ram is corrupt as you suggested. I tried moving the ram into the other free space but it did not even recognise it when I powered on.

I would have to buy another ram and try again. It happened to me few times. Hello Andre, I have carried out the test as detailed in the link you posted and the result is a success. I even bought and tested with new ram and yet the fault is still there.

Don't know what else to do. Please advise, what else should I look at or do to make this issue go away? Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Thank you. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Andre for Directly Independent Advisor.

I'm here to help you with your problem. If its at the BIOS screen, it is probably going the the process of 'Power on Self Test' and you just need to wait a bit for it to boot. If that does not work and you have a desktop computer Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Andre for Directly's post on June 6, Hi Andre Thank you so very much for the quick reply.

Open Start, type: system information Hit Enter Click System summary Look in the right pane Unfortunately, I am not able to get past this screen to give these pieces of information. I would also try booting into Safe Mode to see if that works.

Log in If this does not work, I suspect your memory might be corrupted. You could try swapping out RAM sticks to see if the system boots successfully. Hi Andre, Thanks for the support. Information in the above link is sourced from a trusted Microsoft MVP blog. In reply to Andre for Directly's post on June 7, Thanks again, Andre.

I shall try that out later today. This site in other languages x.



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